NTS/Radiogram Training Online

Thanks to Aaron K8AMH for providing this service.

Training is key! Aaron K8AMH Northern Texes (NTX) Section Traffic Manager (STM) provides an in-depth look at the National Traffic System or NTS as well how to properly complete a radiogram and send traffic.

Categorized as Training

Site Updates

Website updated to include additional pages and a new drop-down menu for ease of access.


As of Monday, April 12, 2021 – the Oneida County Traffic & Emergency Net (OCTEN) has changed from 9:30PM to a net start time of 8:00PM. Satellite repeaters will be called within a few minutes of net time. Any questions related to OCTEN can be emailed to octen@wnyham.com for a reply.

Net Manager is Doug AK2Z. Assistant Net Manager is Dick KA2JFU.